This Dog Had The Best Last Day
I do not understand "Why" some people would go to that extent to put their pet or family down unless they are in agony but in the vid the dog was active and got lots of time still.
I, myself have many flaws, I know that I'm not perfect but still I can't do that unless my dogs doesn't have the will to survive and they are in pain or agony that will be the time I will make the decision to put my dog down but until that time I will try to give him a good days to live. A hope that he would like to live.
What I would like to share to you is a "Dramatic Story of My Dog"
He is a 14yrs old Male Shih Tzu. He is my First Dog. I bought him around 20kphp but now the regular price is 5-7kphp T_T. He got a low energy level and he knows how to go around with my 2nd Shih Tzu female and have brought a lot of happiness including my 3rd Shih Tzu which was sired by him. Since I am new fur parent I do not know how to take care of them and the only person I could talk to is a vet. Don't have any access on books (I love books) or should I say I can't buy even if I search the bookstore T_T. In the net there is no Google, Youtube or Facebook that I can rely to. I do not know how to shave or cut his hair so we always go to our vet to have him groomed and the groomer only knows how to Shave him T_T which is so painful to see him bald. After months or years I always see a white spot on his eyes so I tried to remove his hair near the eyes (I have to learn it) I succeeded but it took me hours and so because I have to be careful not to take a bite from his teeth. He doesn't want me to cut his nail too. Why>? I don't know maybe because he has a trauma in his groomer which I never doubted in the beginning and its too late to complain T_T. I bought medicine for his eyes and for the eyes of my 2nd Tzu (which had passed this January). They have had the same problem T_T. Are you wondering why I mentioned this? well you will know later. As the time passes by he likes to chase and kill a rat T_T (Luckily I moved out in Manila and now I live in my house in Bulacan ^_^ and we dont have rats but We have "FROGS") His vaccine is updated and yet he was diagnosed "Leptospirosis" I dont know why but that time he killed a big rat which caused him a bruises of scratch and bite from the rat. We are also trying to catch and trap the rodents on our house but it keeps coming by. At the time he was diagnosed his life was on the verge of death. I cried many times and I tried to encourage him to live. I also tried not to give him up and I succeeded ^_^ After months and so he was diagnosed of skin tumors which is natural for a senior dog. Oh! he is a senior already T_T the good part is ? It can be easily remove sometimes. I also knew how to groom a dog and what to do in case of emergency ^_^ ut I cannot beat the age T_T. His sight is slowly fading at the age of 10. Cause ? Maybe the white spot that cant be cured when he was young and I wasn't good enough owner to cut his hair near his eyes but I tried my best as I said to learn how to cut it and I even bought the med that was prescribed by a vet or else his sight is due to his age T_T. I tried to cage him but he dont want to be caged so I let him roam freely. He can go up and down in the stairs but when he fell I did not give him the access to go up and down. If you will ask me what happen to his bone he is definitely fine nothing has changed its like a miracle but I cried on him thought he was dead but after minutes he miraculously alive and his legs or body parts were fine. Since he lost his sight he was always been bullied by my other dogs T_T which I really want to caged him but I cannot since he dont want that. He was crippled by one of my dog. He love to smell and lick that dog and that dog doesn't want him near. When I left him with my other dogs in a room for an hour. I didnt expect the outcome of my absence. His eye were popped out and got a damage. The cause is a fight T_T. We went to the vet and the vet told me he cant be put on operation due to his age 13 all I can do is administered a med or put him down. I tried to give him what was prescribed. I know even if we save his eyes it will be futile since he lost his sight. He doesn't cry at all... weeks have passed his eye were slowly gone T_T and yet he is still alive. He is roaming around my room and if he cant get things what he want he will bark and I will come near him to give him food and water. I thought he will be dead and would never survived for a year but still he was alive. I do not know how many times I cried because he got so many near to death experience but his will to survive is amazing. I am ready to let him go since he was 11 years old even though I cried everytime I am ready and yet he is still alive ^_^ but I never thought he will live long and my 2nd dog will be dead due to a tumor that was removed when he was 10 or 11 years old. I knew the risk that my 2nd dog would live for months or year but still I want her to be with me and She has the will to survive but the tumor has spread and the operation is futile because of his age T_T. In the end my 2nd dog was dead near beside me and she didn't cry. I just woke up because one of my dog beside me make a noise and when I checked her she was peacefully sleeping. So Should I also put my 1st dog down because he is
he doesn't Cry because of his illness but he will call me because he needs something he cant do. I cant also put him in cage for his remaining life. So Should I do that? That is why I do not understand why they have to go to that extent to put their pet down... My dog wants to live and I like him to live even if he takes my time, even if he begs for food or water, even if he got many illness even if he pees and poop anywhere i will allow it and I will never get angry just because he cant control himself. he is my pet and a family for me. It is not a selfish decision it is a decision I made base on his body language and his will to survive. Judge me if you want but the only thing I can say is I could understand the behavior of my dogs better than anyone.
Each breed of dogs has their own maturity age and it is not advisable to breed a puppy age of 6months.
In my own opinion the earliest possible breeding time for them is their 2nd heat or 1 year old + Reasons? - too early - 75-80% premature litters - not ready to be a mother As for qualifications of papers like PCCI they are accepting 8months of age of mating which sometimes unavoidable. The PCCI will only accept for registration a litter that is out of a - dam that is between eight (8) months and ten(10) years of age at the time of mating No dog or litter out of a dam under eight (8) months or over ten (10) years of age at the time of mating will be registered. Litters our of a dam over ten (10) years old at the time of mating will no longer be accepted for registration. link of Pcci We all love our dog and we always want what is best for them but not all food we can eat can be given to them. Apple Seed and its core.You can feed your dog an apple but be sure to remove the core and the seeds of the apple before you give it to your dog. The seed itself contains cyanide which is harmful for our dogs. AlcoholIt can cause diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in breathing and could also take your dog's life. So be very careful. AvocadoIt has something called "Persin" which is harmless in human but when consumed by animals it is dangerous. Persin can be found in avocado, seed, leaf and bark Caffeine, coffee, chocolate, cocoaDo not let your dog lick or eat the following beverages. Chocolates and cakesMost of the people loves chocolates and cakes especially a child. You must warn your children not to give them chocolates or cakes Chips and Popcorn with flavorChips are not healthy for dogs and must avoid. While the popcorn is good if it is just a plain but be careful not to give a butter or cheese popcorn on your dog and also keep in mind that too much is bad for the health of your dog. Candy, Gums, and XylitolCan cause liver failure and other problems. Dairy Products and MilkCan cause digestive problem. Milk is allowed if your pet is pregnant, lactating, 3weeks -4mos old puppy, senior dog but you must be very careful what kind of milk you will give. Peaches, Persimmons, and PlumsThe seed or pits contains cyanide Human MedicinesKeep out of reach of your children and your pet. SodaIt is not good for dogs. Yeast DoughMust avoid
I am not a professional groomer but I am the one who groomed my Bichon Frise Characteristic Of Bichon Frise
CuteI can assure you that they are very cute breed ^_^. Their looks depends on their groomer and their owner. If the groomer did not know how to handle and groom a Bichon Frise then there will be a disaster on their looks. They look different when you shave all of their furs. Fluffy ToyBichon Frise is not a well-known breed "but" nowadays people seems to recognize more about Bichon Frise. They're like a stuff toy. The funny thing here when you didn't take a Bichon Frise for a couple weeks or days of bath they smell like a stuff toy or no smell at all. Well its just my own experience. IntelligentYes! They are. It is not hard to teach a Bichon Frise tricks but sometimes they are stubborn so when they do something not okay "We, the owners" let it go. On my case I do have one Bichon Frise who would love to do all the tricks she knew just to get my attention and I do allow it. She knew what the command and tricks name but instead of doing one she will do it all without waiting any command. Although sometimes I also need to do things on my way. CuddlyI am not saying only Bichon Frise is a cuddly breed of dog but it all depends. I got lots of Bichon Frise and they are all cuddly to me even the puppies ^_^. Try to imagine a pack of Bichon Frise that would kiss and hug ^_^ its a heaven lol. Sometimes when I don't have time for them and I'm sitting on my chair in front of my desktop they will come to me and if I grab one of them they will kiss and sleep on my side or on top of me like a baby but sometimes they are heavy. Its not a good idea but I do allow it. I let them be on my top for a couple of minutes. ^_^ White Snow-BallA snow-ball Bichon frise, hmmm that depends on their groomer, How they cut it and how they do their shavings. About being white well they are a white breed but sometimes they have a bluff, or apricot markings. Black Eyes and NoseThe color of their eyes is perfectly matched on their fur color ^_^. Their nose is black but its not 100% black all the time. There are times that the color will change from black to pink and pink to black. Demand AttentionThey are very demanding. Really, they are. Some will bark at me when they need something which is fine with me as long as I do understand what they need. Like for example
Like to be the Center of AttractionThey love to be the center of attention and attraction. Anything they will do just to get your attention. Like I said before some of my Bichon will distract me just to cuddle them or if they just do what they want (tricks) just to have a treat on their mouth ^_^ Strong-Willed DogBichon got a characteristic that may or not be a good one and that is being stubborn and strong-willed dog. It may irritate you sometimes and sometimes they will defy an easy command but don't give up ^_^. Part of it is your own mistake. Like me I've got a mistake for allowing things that should not be allowed but I don't regret it all ^_^ ManipulativeThey love to do things they wanted to do. So if they want to do that they will do things that needed to be done Like being stubborn and getting your attention or if distracting what you were doing. SpoiledThis is the reason why they have such bad habits because we do allow them and we spoiled them hahahha. No Foul SmellUnlike other breed they don't have any foul smell. If the shampoo, cologne did not have any effect after hours or days then they will smell like a stuff toy or no other smell but it depends If you go outside in a sunny day they will smell like that T_T but let the hour past and they'll be back to their normal scent If you got a cologne/shampoo that will last for days then that's a good one ^_^ Best Breed!!!For me they are the best breed I have ^_^ not because they are cute and intelligent and let's be frank here all of the dogs have their own feature and looks and their own mind but there are few dogs or breed that will satisfy what you were seeking. As I said they have a bad habits but still I accepted them not because they got it but I cant resist them lol. All of the dogs have their characteristic not just Bichon Frise ^_^ and if something is wrong its not because of the dog but its the fault of the owner. 1. Pet Shop
2. Puppy MillBeware of buying a pup or dog in a puppy mill. It is only interested in making money. They don't care what happen to their dog or pup. They will just put the dog in cage and will not care or give any attention to the pup or dog. 3. BreederA reputable breeder is a good choice to buy your pup. Just ask some question to them and they are willing to help you if "Not" then treat the breeder as a bad breeder who doesn't care for the pup he/she release.
A good breeder have dogs that was trained and friendly to other people. The dog might end up in a cage but most of the time they roam around. The pup you will buy from them will have the instinct of a dog or pack