Each breed of dogs has their own maturity age and it is not advisable to breed a puppy age of 6months.
In my own opinion the earliest possible breeding time for them is their 2nd heat or 1 year old + Reasons? - too early - 75-80% premature litters - not ready to be a mother As for qualifications of papers like PCCI they are accepting 8months of age of mating which sometimes unavoidable. The PCCI will only accept for registration a litter that is out of a - dam that is between eight (8) months and ten(10) years of age at the time of mating No dog or litter out of a dam under eight (8) months or over ten (10) years of age at the time of mating will be registered. Litters our of a dam over ten (10) years old at the time of mating will no longer be accepted for registration. link of Pcci
We all love our dog and we always want what is best for them but not all food we can eat can be given to them. Apple Seed and its core.You can feed your dog an apple but be sure to remove the core and the seeds of the apple before you give it to your dog. The seed itself contains cyanide which is harmful for our dogs. AlcoholIt can cause diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in breathing and could also take your dog's life. So be very careful. AvocadoIt has something called "Persin" which is harmless in human but when consumed by animals it is dangerous. Persin can be found in avocado, seed, leaf and bark Caffeine, coffee, chocolate, cocoaDo not let your dog lick or eat the following beverages. Chocolates and cakesMost of the people loves chocolates and cakes especially a child. You must warn your children not to give them chocolates or cakes Chips and Popcorn with flavorChips are not healthy for dogs and must avoid. While the popcorn is good if it is just a plain but be careful not to give a butter or cheese popcorn on your dog and also keep in mind that too much is bad for the health of your dog. Candy, Gums, and XylitolCan cause liver failure and other problems. Dairy Products and MilkCan cause digestive problem. Milk is allowed if your pet is pregnant, lactating, 3weeks -4mos old puppy, senior dog but you must be very careful what kind of milk you will give. Peaches, Persimmons, and PlumsThe seed or pits contains cyanide Human MedicinesKeep out of reach of your children and your pet. SodaIt is not good for dogs. Yeast DoughMust avoid